Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Start a Blog

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How to Start a Blog

While the knowledge I gained from practicing web development and coding were super valuable, creating a blog back then was FAR from easy. Hence the small number of full-time bloggers.

Luckily, in 2016, setting up a blog is easier than ever. This guide will be straightforward and simple, and there won’t be any technical jargon. I promise.

Further reading: Why blogging? What are the benefits?


Most popular blogging platforms:

1. WordPress 91.4% (recommended)
2. Blogger 6.2%
3. Tumblr 1.7%
4. Movable Type 0.5%
5. Blog Engine 0.2%
6. Ghost 0.1%

A blogging platform is your blog’s engine. From there, you can manage your content, images and everything else associated with your blog.

They are also called content management systems.

Just to name a few: WordPress, Tumblr and Blogger.

Good news: All blogging platforms are FREE.

Which blogging platform should I use to create a blog?

Want to know my personal opinion? WordPress.


Because millions of people use it already, and there’s a reason for that; in fact, 91% of all blogs are running on WordPress, including this one –

For blogging, I’ve tried Blogger, Tumblr and many others. They all lack the scope, flexibility and freedom that WordPress does.

3 BIG problems with FREE blogging platforms

I know, I know… Wanting to make a free blog might be tempting.

But don’t rush.

Here’s why you shouldn’t blog on a free platform (meaning you shouldn’t host your blog with or any of the others):

NO PERSONAL DOMAIN. Instead of having something catchy & unique like, you’ll end up on a sub-domain (
NO CONTROL. Think you’ll be to sole ‘owner’ for this blog? Think twice. Your blog is hosted on another website, thus meaning they can delete it without warnings.
LIMITS. You’ll get generic themes that look all the same and no access to all the free plugins. Lastly, your content, images and videos can’t exceed 3GB.
How to solve this dilemma?

‘Self-host’ your WordPress blog by getting a domain name and web host.
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Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to make your PC LAPTOP run FASTER

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How to make your PC LAPTOP run FASTER

1) Uninstall programs

New PCs come with a whole load of programs you will never use, and you probably don’t even know they exist.

Some programs even run background processes when you load your computer, even though you are not using them.

To remove all these pointless programs, open the Control Panel’s Programs and Features page, and have a trawl through the list of installed software. Uninstall those that you do not need, while being careful to leave programs your computer’s hardware needs (typically their publisher will be listed as the PC maker’s name or as Microsoft).

If you are still unsure about which programs to use, try a third-party called such as PC Decrapifier – it’s free for non-commercial use – which should tell you which programs you don’t want or need.

2) Automatically delete temporary files

Temporary files amass on your computer through everyday tasks and can remain on your hard disk, slowing the computer down. Getting rid of these files, including your internet history and cookies, should give you a larger amount of hard disk space, speeding up your PC.

To do this, open “My Computer”, and select your local drive (usually C:\). Select the “Windows” folder and then open the folder titled “Temp”.

Use your mouse to right-click on the folder, and in the “View” options, choose “Details”. Once this is done, select all the files that are older than the current date and press the delete key. Then go to the Recycle Bin on your desktop and empty it.

3) Install a solid state drive

Hard drives are the biggest cause of slow speeds and especially slow startup speeds on your PC.

While they are not cheap, installing a solid state drive, which have extremely fast read times, can speed up your startup considerably.

4) More hard drive storage

Even if you make sure to regularly clean out all your temporarily files, if your hard drive becomes 85 per cent full, it’s going to affect your computer’s speed.

If you regularly film videos or use your PC for recording television, then you will want as big a hard drive as you can get, upwards of 1TB in size.

Here is a handy video on how to install your new hard drive.

5) Prevent unnecessary start ups

This method will primarily affect how long it takes for your laptop or PC to startup, but often many of the programs which are launched on startup continue to run and use up your computer’s memory.

To do this, click “Start” and “Run”. In “Run”, type “msconfig” and then press enter. You should then see the “Startup” tab, with all the programs ticked the ones which will load upon your computer starting up. There is a good chance the list will contain a number of programs you might not have realised were running on your computer during startup, or even at all.

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days – Top 12 Working Strategies

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Google AdSense! One of the most easiest, trusted and professional way of earning money by showing your passion towards writing and sharing the knowledge. Google AdSense is trusted by many advertisers and publishers from the past few years, and usually they never accept anyone randomly who is trying to apply for an account. You need to show them the most professional approach of getting your account accepted, else Google will simply throw your application aside.
Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days
Statistics say that Google AdSense accepts only 3 accounts of every 1000 applications they receive each day. If you are trying to get onto the account or has been rejected earlier, follow these simple guidelines to get your own AdSense account in just 3 simple days. Though these below tips won’t get you the account approved instantly, but will surely work if you try inheriting each step mentioned below. I’m sure it worked for 60% of people who commented here and mailed me from the past couple of years.

Get Google AdSense Approval Within 3 Days:

So before getting started, make sure you follow these guidelines without fail, else your application will be rejected without any further pending approval. Remember that everything which I mentioned below counts. Don’t compromise on number of posts, own domain, good design and other metrics, else the chances of rejection is higher at your end. So here we go, the 15 most important guidelines to follow before applying to Google AdSense.
how to get google adsense approved

Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages:

If you are using WordPress, make sure your website/blog has at least 40 quality articles which are not copied from anywhere else. Your content on the articles should be extremely rich and make sure you use relevant images where ever required. Try to include two lengthy articles of 2000 words each, which should be absolutely stunning while anyone reads them on your website. If you are using HTML website or any other non CMS version of blog, make sure you have atleast 50 pages on your website in form or articles or landing pages.
If you miss providing this any of the above information on your website, Google might reject your application saying Insufficient Content or Unacceptable Site Content. So make sure they see enough content on your website before applying the program. The more the content, the better chances of approval.

Prohibited Website Niches:

Statistics show that your account will go through a faster approval process if you have more quality articles on Health, Internet Marketing, Business, Law, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Travel, Lifestyle and Social Media. Google will take your application as a serious offense if your website contain any of the prohibited content mentioned in this link here.
Some studies have also proved that Google AdSense might reject your approval if your website is on event blogging and micro niche blogging. In this particular blogging, you limit your blog content to only one particular subject and create a spam domain around it to rank higher. Eg: (Mayweather vs Pacquiao Match Online). In some cases, if you have observed Google Ads in these of websites, probably they have applied the account through an another account and placed the ads in this event niche blogging to earn quick money.

No Third Party Ads or Programs:

Before applying to AdSense, make sure you don’t allow or place any other third party banner ad code on your website. Google (employees) will strictly look into your website manually and they hate seeing some third party ads installed in your website. Stay away from Infolinks, Chitika, Yahoo Ads or any other third party network to get the first impression clean on your website. Make sure you put only the fresh content and some regular widgets on the website.
Also, stay away from affiliate links such as hosting programs, Amazon affiliates, Clickbank or anyother until your account is approved.

Website Design and User Experience:

Google always want their users to get the best experience while browsing through any website they refer. Maintaining a clean design with good navigation and user experience will boost your chances of getting AdSense approved in the first attempt itself. This is one of the major guidelines where lot of people miss the basics. Google believes that if you maintain professional color scheme on your website, the user might be willing to come back and click on the relevant ads which are displayed under your content.
So make sure you maintain a neat and clean design before applying to AdSense. I would recommend you to buy one professional template anywhere and get it installed on your website without effecting the loading speed or easy navigation.

Google Analytics Code:

Adding Google Analytics code on your website is a trusted factor for the approval. Adding Analytics onto your website show that you are actively tracking your visitors and is much serious about the statistics of your users who visit your website. If you haven’t created one,click here to register the program. Once registered, get your tracking code by creating new account under the accounts tab and enter your website name, URL and other required details. Place the code on each page of your website to track the data instantly.

Google/Bing Webmasters Verification Page:

Just like Google Analytics, you need to even verify with Google Webmaster program, which has the complete access to your website in search perspective. With Google Webmaster Tools, you can track your website critical errors and fix them on a daily basis. Click here to register and click on “Add a Site” to enter your website URL. Verify your website ownership through any of the recommended method and complete the process to keep your account functioning actively.
Also, adding the Bing Webmaster Tools to your website will add more credibility to your domain that you are serious about the website search visibility. Though this guideline is pretty easy to perform, many people will get comfortable without knowing the importance of installing these tools.
Adding these two verifications on your website code or server will show good results on search visibility as well.

XML Sitemap Page: 

Creating a sitemap doesn’t take too much of your time. If you are using WordPress, I recommend Google XML Sitemaps By Arne Brachhold. And if you are using any other platform, I recommend you to checkout XML-Sitemaps website for more info. Installing a sitemap on your website can help search engine bots to index your website faster, which is again a trust factor to bots about the website trustworthiness.


Creating Robots.txt file on your website will get rid of indexing unwanted junk onto Google. I have written a detailed post few days back onhow to write perfect robots.txt for your website. Else you can also check own robots.txt file and simply copy it to your WordPress website. I have restricted all the unwanted data indexation to search engines, which adds a lot of value to your SEO efforts of ranking the pages higher on Google. Plus, robots.txt file is another great feature to add it your website as a trust factor.

Alexa Rank:

Google AdSense considering the Alexa rank has always been a controversy, as many people disagree that Google doesn’t care about your global rankings. Trust me, I strongly believe that this is one of the most important checklist any manual operator checks before even opening your website statistics. How can anyone quickly judge about a website performance? The answer is simple, and its Alexa ranking. So make sure you install the Alexa toolbar and read my eBook on how to boost Alexa ranking within 30days.
Note: Before applying to AdSense, make sure your website global Alexa ranking is less than 400K for faster approval process. Usually the website above this rank is considered to be new and underestimated that no much data is seen on them.

Important Pages:

Google wants to know your identity before you signup to their AdSense program. So make sure your create the following pages on your website as soon as possible.
  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Disclaimer Policy
  3. Terms of Usage
  4. Contact Us
  5. About Us (Write your name and address through which you applied the AdSense account)
In the about us section, clearly mention who you are, and why is this website made for, what is the benefit people get out of your website. The more clear, the better the chances of your approval. Keep your spelling mistakes, grammar and punctuation clear when you do this.

Custom Domain and Email ID:

A lot of people get create websites through blogspot and free WordPress platforms to apply AdSense. Note that AdSense team will take a custom domain more seriously rather than the free domain name. Investing 2$ on a domain name is not a big deal when you have health chances of getting approval with other factors like mentioned above. So don’t give yourself a second chance to apply the AdSense program and get your own domain as early as possible.
Once you have your own domain, create an email ID with your name ( to apply the AdSense program. Eg: will get more attention compared to Note that your free website programs give you the privilege or adding your custom domains without paying any additional fee.

Decent Traffic: 

Though a lot of portals, forums mention that Google AdSense doesn’t require any certain amount of pageviews to approve your account, I still feel and experienced the treatment if you have a decent traffic. Let your blog age a few weeks (atleast 2 months) before you rush to apply the AdSense program. I would always recommend you to stay until your website get a minimum of 50+ visitors per day. If your website is not getting enough traffic, the chances of rejection is much higher when compared to other guidelines.
Once your website is ready with all these above guidelines, click here to apply to Adsense, and make sure you have gone through the Google AdSense TOC for more information on the program.
Leave your comments to check if your doing good with the process. And if your AdSense was rejected despite of following all these above mentioned guidelines, shoot me a mail to and I will help you out with a free AdSense consultation. Stay tuned to SEOSiren for more such interesting topics!
Also, I have made a step by step video guide on how to apply Adsense if you are looking for more information. Check out the below video and let us know if you still have trouble in getting your account approved.
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10 best alternatives "Google Adsense"

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 10 best alternatives "Google Adsense"

Here are some of the best (Google Adsense Alternatives) where you can try to make money with your website "without using Google Adsense" and I'll show you how they work and why you should consider them so let's begin:
Popc is added in fifth place
Propellerads still killing it right now!
PopAds moved into second place due to the great performance


10. Amazon Associates
Google Adsense Alternatives Amazon
"You can make a decent amount of money from Amazon", especially at Christmas and other holidays
Amazon is the biggest online store in the world, so they must be doing something good. Well, if you have a website that talks about every product That can be found in the Amazon, the Amazon associates can work for you. Amazon allows you to put image ads dynamically into your blog, so you can promote them and, while this is not a Pay-per-click or program CPM, he will pay a small commission on everything they sell from your links. So let's say you have a blog about Apple products and place an ad prompted them to buy an iPod or just a cable. If they buy it, a small commission will be for you. So, if you sell a $ 10 cable you can get a few cents, but to sell a $ 1,500 laptop, and you can get $ 100. The good thing is that everything they buy through your link (even if it does is a product that is recommended in the first) will generate a commission for you. The only con I find with Amazon is that they must send you a check that can take weeks to arrive at your home, if you live in the United States, where you can provide your bank account. You can use this with Adsense at the same time.

9. Yllix Media
Yllix is ​​a network've heard a lot in recent years that there is a better and more options CPM monetization. their homepage may seem simple, but their dashboard is great and it's easy to get started. Yllix has Pop ads, redirects phones, sliders, layer ads and full page ads so you can get a good CTR and make money with them. Definitely a good option for starters and their approval is fast. Sign up here.

8. Revenue Hits
Hits income is a very strong network with a few years in the industry. I've been working with them for 2 years, and so far the results have been great. Hits income Ad Performance is a network, which means that they pay for results (CPA, which is great for many niches). Revenue Hits has an advanced platform that learns from your ads so if you give them a try be sure to keep running their ads for at least 3-4 days to get the best results. Another great thing is that they have different monetization channels available. You can create banner ads, sliders, pop -under, buttons and more. 30 Hits pays income on a net basis and issue payments through wire, Paypal and Payoneer! Create your account and get started in just a few minutes here!

Bonus: Read Full Review Revenue Hits time, where I tell you how I earn more than $ 1,000 per month.

7. adversarial
Adversarial is a great alternative to the Adsense. They have banners good CTR and revenue and adjusted to get the best results for your website. I've seen ads have a CTR adversarial good and they have very good image ads. This is probably the ad network which seems to work well for those looking for a replacement of Google Adsense. It works decently with many other languages. You account gets approved real fast and they also have Pop under / CPM ads as an option. Note: adversarial requires a website with a minimum of 50,000 page views per month, but they have proven to work really well. I won over $ 500-1000 per month. They also pay through PayPal. Sign up here. Bonus: Check my income adversarial here.

6. Chitika
The reason I put Chitika number 3 on this list, because Chitika is very similar to Adsense. they allow you to customize your ads, and this only serves contextual ads. One good thing is that you can use it along with Adsense and no problems at all. Chitika pays through Paypal ($ 10 USD minimum, which is good for starters) or by check ($ 50 minimum). If I were to recommend an advertising service as an alternative to Adsense, Chitika would be my first choice, hands down. Chitika can pay via PayPal, if you need. Register here and get your account approved fast and easy! Bonus: Check my income Chitika here.

5. popc
Popc is a very good system that has been for a long time and usually gives similar results as PopAds (see number 4). Popc ads with a CPM popunder great and good inventory for all countries as mobile and desktop traffic. You can browse your payments within the dashboard and they pay through Paypal, Payza and Paxum. money transfers usually take 24-48 hours which is not bad at all. Register here and get started with popc.

4. Infolinks
Infolinks is one of the largest networks in the world today monetization, helping more than 200,000 online publishers in 128 countries to earn money from their unused spaces ad. FREE use their tongues ads work perfectly with all ad solutions and not interfere with the user experience? By effective contextual and video advertising, engaging display banners - very convenient products Infolinks' guarantee will make the most of your traffic.

Their platform is very simple to integrate into your website, and is open to any publisher, large or small, with no setup fee, no minimum requirements for page views or visitors and no hidden commitments. Infolinks advertisers are selected based on quality, that's why they work with major worldwide brands such as: Facebook, Amazon, Ebay, Ali Express, Pizza Hut, TripAdvisor, Hyundai and many more. Start using Infolinks here.

If you are looking for similar alternative Adsense, here you have it: The Adsense to Yahoo and Bing. is an industry-leading company that develops technology to new digital advertising products for both publishers and advertisers. They have over 500 employees in the main operation centers of all - New York, Los Angeles, Dubai, Zurich, Mumbai and Bangalore.

Income from runs the largest contextual advertising program # 2 globally. powers Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual program ads. It exclusively manage technology, business operations and relationships with respect to publishers worldwide for the program. Today, is a global leading contextual advertising company that offers a wide range of advertising and traffic monetization solution to a substantial and diversified client. With more than 500 employees, has one of the biggest teams in the world by building a global contextual advertising business. Sign up here.

2. PopAds
PopAds is a network specializing in Pop unders performance. They have better scale and they can monetize all countries. PopAds great thing is that they can pay every day for as long as you earn $ 5 or more per day. Their quality is good, and they also have pop ups, tab ups / unders and other monetization methods. approvals are easier and placing your ads only takes a few minutes. Sign up as a publisher here.

1. PropellerAds Media
Ads propeller is one of the largest networks of available pop-under. They started in 2011 and quickly developed into one of the largest networks with great CPMs. They specialize in monetizing websites for the following niches: entertainment, video / movies, games, dating, finance, software, gaming and more. If you have one of these sites, you can make more money than with Adsense Propeller. But they also have banners work best pop under in general. Also, if you've got traffic phones, they are a great alternative to Adsense as they work closely with ad networks to monetize mobile applications and services lead to large ROIs too large and CPMs.

Propeller pays about 30 basis NET and they filled a large scale to level 2-3 places. So if you are struggling to monetize traffic from countries like India, Singapore, Turkey, South Africa, etc. The Propeller has a large inventory for them. Sign up as a publisher with Propeller Ads here.

Bonus: Check how to setup PropellerAds and a case study on how to make $ 300 per day with PropellerAds and viral websites.


BONUS: Affiliate Marketing
I'm leaving Affiliate Marketing in the country number 1 for many reasons. Affiliate Marketing means that you are selling a product or a service from another company (which means you do not have to develop it), and you earn a commission for this. You can find a lot of Affiliate Marketing programs on the net, and they may differ from the sale of a $ 10 small product to selling a software to $ 300. The beauty of affiliate marketing is that the more you know and try a product or service, the more you can sell it.

Some affiliate programs can earn more than $ 50 per sale depending on the product and I really recommend you test and reserve your sales using the product itself (although it is not 100% necessary). If you are an authority in a country, you can use it to boost your sales and grow even more. You can put affiliate links in banners, text, images and basically everywhere, and it can grow into a big earner to passive income if done well.

In additional you can watch Top 5 best alternatives Google Adsense

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to Search,identify, and download drivers without Software 2016

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How to Search,identify, and download drivers without Software 2016

There are many programs that enable downloading of drivers for pc / laptop but are paid and do not work without the Internet.Use this way, since it seems is more secure, which may choose the driver's' version, easy and flexible way.This mode of identification, search and download the driver is also free.If you have problems during identification, research then write the comments will try to help you.Furthermore, step by step, you can follow me, in the video below.

To change or remove Blogger favicon  Watch the Video

Mirillis Action! 1.31.5 [ Fix Error 104] !

Recuva Professional 1.53 Crack/Patch/Keygen/Serial ** 

Free world iptv HD + iptv links m3u for vlc

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How to change or remove Blogger favicon


How to change or remove Blogger favicon

Adding your custom Favicon in your blogger blog is not so hard. It’s very easy. You only need to have an image of 16×16 px in .ico format. If you have not created a branded image for your Favicon then I think you should visit to create your own Favicon.

If you need tutorial on how to create Favicon for your blog then you should must visit this video below for your better understanding.

To change or remove Blogger favicon  Watch the Video

Mirillis Action! 1 31 5 Final is working cracked 100% ! 
Note : Disconnect Internet connection .

Mirillis Action! 1.31.5 Final + Patch 2016

How to download and install photoshop cs5 for free full 

How to download and install Adobe Dreamweaver cs6 Full

Mirillis Action! 1.31.5 [ Fix Error 104] !

Recuva Professional 1.53 Crack/Patch/Keygen/Serial ** 

Free world iptv HD + iptv links m3u for vlc

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How to install Kodi on Computer! Windows PC or Mac

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How to install Kodi on Computer! Windows PC or Mac

Today I will show how to install the KODI on the computer as well as your can add addons ,that make possible watching tv show and movies a free .

It works on Windows 7,8,10.

I know that will go a little faster, in this video, but if you have any questions something unclear, report to me comments, I'll try to include everything that is necessary, leave a like if you liked! and subscribe to my channel.


To install Kodi on your computer/mac  Watch the Video

Mirillis Action! 1 31 5 Final is working cracked 100% ! 
Note : Disconnect Internet connection .

Mirillis Action! 1.31.5 Final + Patch 2016

Free world iptv HD + iptv links m3u for vlc

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How to configure DMZ for your wireless router

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How to configure DMZ for your wireless router

The DMZ host feature allows one local host to be exposed to the Internet for a special-purpose service such as Internet gaming or video conferencing. The Router forwards packets of all services to the DMZ host. Any PC that is set to be DMZ host must have its DHCP client function disabled and should have a new static IP address assigned to it because its IP Address may change when using the DHCP function.
To assign a computer or server to be a DMZ server:
Click the Enable button.
Enter the IP address of a local PC that is set to be DMZ host in the DMZ Host IP Address field.
Click the Save button.
First you must to have a public ip address and after to DMZ ip private instead that
and can to use outside your network .
I am used DMZ for remote desktop , is working very good best quality .

To configure DMZ  Watch the Video

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How to Recover Missing Files in USB Flash Drive

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How to Recover Missing Files in USB Flash Drive

Confuse about the missing files and folders in your removable device such as thumb drive, microsd card, SD Card, phone memory or external storage drive. Or maybe when you open this device there is a shortcut icon or folder with an arrow.
Your removable storage device might infected with Win32 bundpil virus,  Autorun inf virus or ztorsftdgh vbs rootkit. These viruses are notorious to do their best job; making your external device a virus carrier.
By the way this flash drive is infected with ztorsftdgh.vbs virus which hides the files and folders and create a shortcut icon.

To recover the Files Watch the Video

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